Why Choose CLARITI

We're specialists in state-of-the-art vision correction and focused on you. CLARITI is not an ordinary eye care center. It's an extraordinary one founded right here in Southern Indiana by Dr. Matthew Fornefeld.

Why Choose CLARITI


If you are seeking LASIK in Bloomington, Indiana call us today to get the answers you have been seeking. We offer free LASIK consultations so that our patients can make informed decisions from experienced professionals. Matthew Fornefeld, MD, Bloomington LASIK expert, also offers other numerous vision correction options: Custom Wavefront LASIK, PRK, Visian ICL™, Crystalens, and Toric Intraocular Implants.

Learn More iLasik

Cataract Correction

Clariti Advanced Vision Correction and Dr. Fornefeld are dedicated to the customized cataract solution. Dr. Fornefeld has several lens implant options available that offer you the best vision possible for your personal needs. These include the Crystalens®, ReSTOR®, Technis Multifocal, and Toric Lens Implants.

Cataract Correction

Visian ICL

Patients that have high myopia or large amounts of nearsightedness and have traditionally worn very thick glasses might not have been candidates for LASIK eye surgery. If you were previously disqualified for LASIK, contact us directly for a Visian ICL™ consultation.

Visian ICL

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Payment Options

The vision correction procedures offered at CLARITI Advanced Vision Correction are now more affordable! Learn more about our financing plans, and how our payment plans and lower interest financing can help you afford the vision you've always dreamed of!

Payment Options


Read what our valued patients have to say about their relationship with Dr. Fornefeld and their experience at CLARITI Advanced Vision Correction.

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Self Evaluation

Would you like to find out if you are a candidate for an iLASIK vision correction procedure? Take our LASIK Self-Evaluation Test to find out! If you qualify, please make an appointment with Dr. Fornefeld at 812.331.8181.

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Crystalens® Intraocular Lens (IOL) Implants


Aging causes the natural lens in the eye to lose its ability to focus at various distances. This is a result of an eye condition known as Presbyopia. By the time most adults reach their forties, they require glasses to read. Later in life, people can begin to develop cataracts, a more serious condition. Replacing the natural lens with the innovative Crystalens® lens implant is the chosen solution by many of the over 2 million people who have cataract surgery every year.

The Crystalens® IOL is an accommodating implant with the unique ability to flex as directed by the eye to correct distance, intermediate, and even near vision. Most other lens implants do not give patients the ability to read books, sew or see a computer screen blur-free without reading glasses. The unique Crystalens® can decrease or eliminate the use of glasses for many everyday activities like driving or reading a book. The Crystalens® was modeled after the human eye. Like the natural lens, it uses the eye muscle to flex and accommodate in order to focus on objects in the environment at all distances. Crystalens® has the ability to adjust to fit your varying visual needs.

The procedure typically starts with eye numbing drops and a micro-incision that is made at the edge of the cornea. The natural lens is gently removed and the IOL is implanted. Most patients recover very quickly from the procedure and are able to pursue normal activities almost immediately after surgery.

How does Crystalens® work?

The Crystalens® is an artificial lens designed to replace the eye’s natural lens as it enhances the depth of focus, allowing an increased quantity of vision. Crystalens® is designed to work on a hinge to allow the optic, or the part of the IOL that you see through, to move back and forth as your eye muscle constricts or relaxes, just like your natural lens would.

The Crystalens® is beneficial for people who want to be able to see better after cataract surgery because it has the ability to greatly reduce or possibly even eliminate a candidate's dependence on glasses. The Crystalens® is also ideal for patients who want better vision through a clear lens exchange procedure.

If you are interested in learning if Crystalens® is right for you please take our IOL Self-Evaluation Test, and contact us to schedule an appointment.